Monday, August 22, 2011

Bieber Fever

I was talking with a student (6th grade girl) who wanted to get baptized. I wanted to get a better grasp of her faith and her story since I work with high school students and didn't know this girl very well (I do know her older brother). When it was her turn to share about her relationship with God she stumbled a bit to articulate exactly how she felt the Lord. She threw out some key descriptors like "love," "grace," "awesome," with some straining, but then a relaxed almost relieved look washed over her. She had found it, the perfect way to describe God and how she felt about him: "He's like Justin Bieber, but better." ... I kid you not. (at least she didn't react like this)

This was a reminder of a few things:

1) Our students need a better grasp on how to biblically express their views on God and we need to do a better job of helping them get there (in partnership with the family).

2) As youth workers or even just pastors in general we have to remember where our people are. When they don't know how to articulate something they'll try their best to compare/contrast it to something they do understand. We must be sensitive and aware of the world they're living in so we can be prepared to give better illustrations and enjoy quicker understanding.

3) 6th grade girls are 6th grade girls and Justin Bieber is Justin Bieber. For better or worse.

Implement point 1, embrace point 2, cope with even celebrate point 3?

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